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We are delighted to see the release of a new book by one of our Sr. Research Fellows, Jarvis Williams. He is an Associate Professor of New Testament Interpretation at Southern Seminary. In Christ Redeemed “Us” from the Curse of the Law: A Jewish Martyrological Reading of Galatians 3:13 (Library of New Testament Studies), Williams engages the intersection of Galatians and Jewish Martyrological literature in antiquity.

Here is the blurb from bloomsbury site.

Jarvis J. Williams argues that the Jewish martyrological ideas, codified in 2 and 4 Maccabees and in selected texts in LXX Daniel 3, provide an important background to understanding Paul's statements about the cursed Christ in Gal. 3.13, and the soteriological benefits that his death achieves for Jews and Gentiles in Galatians. Williams further argues that Paul modifies Jewish martyrology to fit his exegetical, polemical, and theological purposes, in order to persuade the Galatians not to embrace the 'other' gospel of their opponents. 

In addition to providing a detailed and up to date history of research on the scholarship of Gal. 3.13, Williams provides five arguments throughout this volume related to the scriptural, theological and conceptual, lexical, grammatical and polemical points of contact, and finally the discontinuities between Galatians and Jewish martyrological ideas. Drawing on literature from Second Temple traditions to directly compare with Gal. 3.13, Williams adds new insights to Paul's defense of his Torah-free-gentile-inclusive gospel, and his rhetoric against his opponents.

You can purchase the book at Bloomsbury or Amazon.