We are happy to release the second issue of Fides et Humilitas: The Journal of the Center for Ancient Christian Studies. This issue includes the following articles:

  1. Editorial: Scholars in Dialogue: A Banquet of Interdisciplinary Influence by Coleman M. Ford and Shawn J. Wilhite
  2. The Passover of the Church: Melito of Sardis on the Church and Israel's Exodus in Peri Pascha by Wyatt Aaron Graham
  3. Between Paul and James: Faith and Works in 1 Clement 29:1–32:4 by Joshua M. Greever

A forum consisting of Michael F. Bird, Matthew Y. Emerson, Charles E. Hill, Bryan Litfin, Preston Sprinkle, and Jarvis J. Williams along with several books reviewed.

We hope you enjoy the second issue from the Center for Ancient Christian Studies.

You can download the journal here.

If you are interested in contributing to the journal or this website please fill out this form.